Photogallery of immunofluorescence stainings
Gamma-tubulin localization in rat basophilic leukemia cells
Microfilaments in 3T3 cells
Microfilaments, microtubules and intermediate filaments in 3T3 cells
Distribution of plus-end tracking protein EB1
Gamma-tubulin localization in mitotic spindle
Gamma-tubulin localization in nucleoli of U2OS cells
Partial alignment of mitochondria along microtubules in 3T3 cells
Changes in microtubule organization in activated mast cells
Specific expression of class III beta-tubulin in neurons
Marginal band microtubules and vimentin in chicken erythrocytes
Distribution of tubulin and vimentin in taxol-treated 3T3 cells
Distribution of tubulin and vimentin in vinblastine-treated 3T3 cells
Microtubule-severing protein spastin associates with leading edge of migrating glioblastoma cells
Microtubule re-growth in detergent-extracted cells after adding exogenous tubulin
Immunofluorescence staining of in vitro prepared microtubules